Spotlight Tickets



Do you have a business you would like to promote or send a special message or shout out to your performer

Place an Advertisement in our Printed Program Booklet! (b&w graphics only please).
Use the Spotlight Donation Section to order.

1⁄2 Page - Business Card/Logo/message (5”x4”) $50 

Full Page - Business Ad/Logo/message (5”x8”) $100  

Deadline for Donations and Ad Submissions: February 28th, 
email with b&w graphic.

Item DescriptionPriceQty
 Spotlight Ticket
We are fundraising for our fabulous Music and Art Departments. Everybody needs a ticket including performers.
 Spotlight Flowers
Order a bouquet of flowers for your performer! We will have flowers ready for pick up at the performance.
 Spotlight Donation
Please send an email to with your Ad or Business logo